Corporate Social Responsibility
As a leading moving and storage company based in Singapore providing professional solutions in the relocation industry, We recognise that our business activities have direct and indirect impacts on the societies in which we operate. We endeavour to manage these in a responsible manner, believing that sound and demonstrable performance in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility programme and practices is a fundamental part of business success.
Responsible Moving
We will continue to play a central role in influencing our practice in the future consistently providing our quality services and exceeds expectations.
A Safety Workplace
We recognise management’s responsibility to provide safe working environment for our employees, subcontractors, Clients & suppliers and we aim to prevent work related injury and ill-health.
A Dollar A Move
We believe in “giving back” what it gets from the society. A dollar a move is part of our community care programme which is developed to donate a dollar for a move giving back to the needy in our Singapore society.
Reduce & Reuse
We recognise reduce and reuse as an environmental consciousness in our daily tasks whenever possible. Consistent with our sense of environmental duty, we try to avoid printing on paper, and greatly encourage the use of email rather than facsimile.